For Students Find Lessons Get Started! Teacher Sign-in Sister Site: ccInstruct
Where Teachers Freely Share Their Lessons with the World.
ccLessonSwap Privacy Policy

Collection of User Data
  1. ccIntruct does not collect information from any user under the age of 18.
  2. Students can use ccLessonSwap to search for lessons and to find specific lessons assigned by their teachers to a class, but ccIntruct does not collect information from or about students.
  3. ccLessonSwap collects the following data from registered users (teachers over 18 years of age) for authentication purposes:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Birthdate
    4. Password
    5. Email Address
    6. Mobile Phone (optional)
  4. ccLessonSwap also requires contributors to indicate the preferred name or identifier to be associated with all content contributions, so that other users may associate the content with a specific user; this name or identifier need not be the users actual name, and may be changed at any time.
  5. At the users disecretion, users may choose to share the following information with other users of ccLessonSwap.
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email Address
    4. A brief autobiographical sketch

Use of User Confidential Information
  1. ccLessonSwap will NEVER sell or share your information without your express permission...unless a judge tells us we have to.
  2. ccLessonSwap will only use your infomation for internal purposes as they pertain for the maintenance of your account.

• Privacy Policy
• Terms of Service